Harry Potter brought dorsum four of his loved ones with the resurrection rock in Harry Potter and theDeathly Hallows , merely surprisingly didn't revive the newly-deceased Dumbledore, and here's why. Later Dumbledore died at the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, he gifted Harry two items in his will: The sword of Godric Gryffindor and the gilt snitch from the first Harry Potter film. While he wasn't able to receive the sword, he was given the snitch with a coded inscription that said "I open up at the close." Harry later realized this was meant to be used before he sacrificed himself to Voldemort, with the golden snitch enclosing the resurrection stone that would revive his loved ones from the dead to aid guide him into death.

When Harry finally used the resurrection stone in the woods, he brought back to life his mom, dad, godfather Sirius, and mentor/family friend Lupin. As Harry prepared to die at the easily of Voldemort for the greater good, his deceased loved ones eased his fears virtually death and comforted him until the moment Tom Riddle used the Avada Kedavra curse on him. Because Dumbledore was 1 of the virtually important figures in Harry's growth at Hogwarts, information technology surprised many that Harry Potter's protagonist didn't also resurrect the influential headmaster who had just recently died.

Dumbledore was a constant presence in Harry'south life, only, by the end of Deathly Hallows, Harry chose to bring dorsum the iv people he had the closest connection to who would soothingly bring him into his own death – his mother, begetter, godfather, and mentor figure. Harry'southward close relationship with Dumbledore reflected a teacher-educatee dynamic in which the wise wizard guided Harry with his magic and inevitable path in destroying Voldemort. Dumbledore was important to Harry'south growth, merely there wasn't real honey between them in their relationship, unlike Lily and James Potter, Sirius, and Lupin. These four figures were the simply family unit he truly knew, so he wanted them to condolement him into death. Dumbledore wouldn't have granted this aforementioned unconditional love to conclude his life; he was simply looking out for the greater skillful and fulfillment of the prophecy in his relationship with Harry.

Harry walks through the Forbidden Forest with Lily, Sirius, and Remus

Harry had also just seen the memories of Severus Snape in the Pensieve correct before he went into the woods with the resurrection rock in Deathly Hallows. These memories showed Harry that Dumbledore hadn't truly cared about the wellbeing of Harry as a man - much less a kid - and was "raising him like a pig for slaughter." Considering Harry had e'er looked up to Dumbledore equally a guiding force in his life, the memories from Snape earlier hisDeathly Hallows death proved that their human relationship was cypher more than than a mentor-apprenticeship in order to convince Harry why he had to choose to die at the proper moment. While Dumbledore would still exist a wise effigy to Harry in instruction him the importance of sacrifice for the greater skilful, the Hogwarts headmaster was not a comforting character with unconditional dearest that Harry would desire at his side as he died.

Rather, every bit an insightful adviser, Harry had Dumbledore waiting for him in Limbo where he could choose to live or die afterward beingness "killed" past Voldemort. Meeting him in Rex's Cross Station, Harry needed the communication of Michael Gambon's Dumbledore (whether in his caput or non) to objectively convince him why he should live. Dumbledore rarely acted on emotion and made decisions based on logic and benefit to the greater skilful, so he was the figure that needed to help Harry make up one's mind whether to keep living and destroy Voldemort, or move on to expiry and be with his family. He wanted Dumbledore's wisdom as he decided his next move in life or death, merely needed his loved ones and family every bit he prepared to sacrifice himself in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows .

More: How Harry Potter Survived The Killing Curse in The Deathly Hallows

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